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Frequently Asked Questions
Once you complete the entire order process, you will receive a confirmation email. It will include your order number and estimated time of delivery.
Unfortunately once the order is confirmed, you cannot add new products to the order but you can always place a new order for the desired products.
Once the order is dispatched you will receive the shipment details. It will include the shipment number/AWB and the name of the courier company. You can track your order at their website or you can also write to us at
We offer FREE Shipping for prepaid orders. We do charge a nominal fee for Cash-on-Delivery Orders. Ultimately, the shipping rates shown at the time of check-out are final.
Yes, We offer Cash-On-Delivery at a nominal charge that is calculated at checkout.
You can order online from our website,
Or email us at ( or Call us at (+91) 860-860-5105.
For email and call orders, you must mention
1. Name
2. Complete Address with pin code
3. Email address
4. Product/ Products to be ordered
5. Phone Number
Once the order is confirmed, we ship the products within 2 working days. You can expect your order to be delivered within 5-7 working days of placing the order. However, India is a large country. Kindly excuse us in case of delivery to remote areas is delayed.
Your suggestions, feedback & queries are our food for progress & improvement. You can email us at or call us at (+91) 860-860-5105